British Red Cross Training LinkedIn live highlights importance of AEDs in the workplace

2024 National Heart Month Linkedin
Red Cross Training
Publish Date:
07 Mar 2024
Reading Time:
2 minutes

As part of National Heart Month, Red Cross Training hosted a LinkedIn Live event featuring the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Alice Squires, Training Product Manager at Red Cross Training, provided a live AED demonstration. The session highlighted the importance of AEDs in the workplace, the legal requirements for employers, AED maintenance and storage, the impact of hybrid working on AED provision, and how and when an AED should be used in workplaces.

Quick use of an AED can lead to survival rates of 50% to 70% and if someone is unresponsive and not breathing, every minute that passes without chest compressions and defibrillation reduces their chance of survival by up to 10%.

Prior to the event, followers of the British Red Cross LinkedIn channel were asked whether they would feel confident using an AED in an emergency. Out of 958 followers that responded, 43% said they felt confident, 29% were willing but tentative however, 28% said that they were not at all confident.

British Red Cross LinkedIn channel followers were also asked if they knew where their nearest AED at work was located. 427 followers responded and while just over half, 54%, said they knew where to find it, nearly as many again, 46% said that they did not know where to find an AED at work.

AEDs should be:

  • Centrally located within high-risk areas.
  • Highly visible (cabinets can help deter theft and allow them to be visible).
  • Near a phone to call 999.
  • Easily accessible (they should be located 48 inches above the floor to ensure everyone can access it, even those who are in wheelchairs).
  • Clearly marked and sign posted.

As well as being highly visible and accessible, employees should be able to respond quickly and clearly. Health and safety officers or equivalent personnel within organisations should be able to provide information on where AEDS are located.

Following the live event, Alice Squires said: "It's always a pleasure to share vital first skills with our LinkedIn followers and AEDs are particularly topical for the month of February as it's National Heart Month.  Our LinkedIn Live offered viewers the chance to see how training AEDs are used on Red Cross Training first aid at work courses. The short practical demonstration and informal discussion is a very accessible format." 

You can catch up and view the event on our Red Cross Training LinkedIn page.

All British Red Cross Training including: Emergency first aid at work, First aid at work and First aid at work requalification courses, include practical hands-on training on the use of an AED. Our interactive courses provide the practical skills and confidence to help save lives. We also offer an AED with life support course which is suitable for those who don’t have a current first aid certificate but want to learn how to use an AED.

Book a first aid training course today and build up your confidence to save a life.

